来源:互联网新闻 时间:2018-10-04 01:50
新华网12月16日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,今年大家见过很多大光圈镜头,比如Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8和Metabones Speed Boosters。但是明年你还能看到一款40毫米f/0.85光圈镜头。
Kipon这家不太知名的摄影器材制造商将在明年2月推出Ibelux 40毫米 f/0.85镜头,届时将有Sony NEX、Fuji X、Canon EOS M和Micro 4/3接口。看起来这款镜头不能覆盖全画幅传感器,而且价钱竟然达到2000美元。
The Crazy Huge Aperture on This New Lens Chews Up Darkness
It\'s been a good year for really huge aperture sizes on camera lenses, with products like the Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8, and the Metabones Speed Boosters. But next year you\'ll be able to get your hands on a 40mm lens with an aperture size of f/0.85. That is one gaping piehole.
The Ibelux 40mm f/0.85 comes from Kipon, a lesser-known maker of photographic accessories. It will drop in February 2014 and be available for Sony NEX, Fuji X, Canon EOS M and Micro 4/3 mounts. It doesn\'t look like it will cover full-frame sensors, however. The price is a whopping $2000.
43rumors.com points out that there is actually a Leica 65mm lens that features a f/0.75 aperture, so the Ibelux\'s "fastest lens in the world" claim isn\'t completely accurate. It\'s still damn impressive though.
For the non-camera-nerds out there, the bigger the aperture, the more light a lens lets in, and the brighter your pictures can be in dark settings. Aperture size usually tops out at f/1.2 or so. The trade-off with a huge size like f/0.85 is that sharpness will likely suffer when shooting wide open, and with a relatively unknown brand like Kipon, it\'s hard to say what the overall quality will be. Here are some sample shots from the Kipon website:
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